First Language Assessments

A First Language Assessment (FLA) plays a significant role in identifying additional needs of EAL learners.

An FLA might be requested if the child is not making fast enough progress in school and the school wants to know whether the slow progress is due to some intrinsic learning problem or is related to second language learning.

FLAs can be requested by the headteachers, teachers, specialist teachers, SENDCOs, SALT team, social workers, family workers and doctors.

Some reasons for requesting FLAs:

-       The child is not making enough progress

-       Cannot reliably say number names

-       Chatters in the language nobody understands

-       The child is experiencing behavioural, emotional or social difficulties

FLA reports:

-       give background details re: school’s concerns (behavioural, medical issues, progress, etc)

-       mention child’s wellbeing

-       comment on the child’s language

-       give information about child’s access to first language. This information is used to interpret findings.

Outcomes: schools receive information about dyslexia/dyspraxia/dyscalculia; speech and language issues and therapy; special needs; behavioural problems; medical needs; family bereavement, home situation and child’s interests.

Official paperwork from the children’s country of origin often submitted, making it easier for school to apply for EHCP, if need be.

If you have a child that needs a first language assessment please contact Gosia Bates to discuss the matter on Tel: 07504617715 Email: